Uncommon Approaches to the Common Core Conference
August 13 Breakout Presentations
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Kate Gerson - Keynote Presentation
Session 1 - 12:45 Presentations
& the Common Core:Implications for Cultural Education Programs—Leslie
Yolen. (presentation notes) What do the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) mean for museums
working with teachers? The presentation will demonstrate how to choose
"high-quality source material”, do a "close read" of
works of art in a group setting, engage students in careful observation &
description, and base analysis of a work of art on evidence, all approaches
based on the CCLS shifts.
Government, PublicHistorians, Not-for-Profits and the Common Core—Gerry
Smith, Matthew Urtz, Debbie Stack (second
presentation) (third presentation). This workshop will feature local
historians and educators from local governments and not- for- profit media
outlets from across the state showing how they can assist teachers in locating
and incorporating primary source documents and information in their curriculum.
Participants will leave knowing easy ways to find primary source documents and
include them in their lesson plans.
Earth ScienceContent & the CCLS Using Museum Resources—Rebecca
Taylor, Melanie Cohen. This presentation will provide an innovative model
for linking science and literacy through museum learning
experiences. It will explore how museum resources and school group
visits can support Common Core Learning Standards for ELA and Literacy and the
Core Curriculum for Earth Science. Besides the material that students would
encounter during a visit to the exhibition, teachers are provided with
content-rich student readings that are integrated into pre- and post-visit
activities and writing tasks and rubrics for students to produce informational
texts that incorporate what they learned during a visit to the museum.
4.Building a Common Understanding of the CCLS &
Educational Uses of Assessment—Joette Stefl-Mabry, Ph.D. (Operationalizing Library
Literacy Skills) (Logic
Model). This hands-on workshop will enable participants to collaborate
more effectively and productively with K-12 educators by presenting an overview
of the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and guiding participants to align
their existing programs and resources to evidence-based instructional practices
supporting the CCLS. Participants will be afforded the opportunity to discuss
learning outcomes and instructional strategies, focusing on their own
instructional programs and resources. They will begin designing assessment
strategies to determine the effectiveness of their strategies. Participants
should bring current examples of their educational programs and/or resources on
which to focus; a laptop is recommended.
Core Curriculum inan Outdoor Classroom—Nicole Dillon. Children
learn through play--exploring, re-inventing, taking apart and putting
together. The research recommends hands-on learning for all children,
even after they enter public school. In this session, we will examine how
to create an outdoor classroom to enable children to freely explore and
re-invent while aligning with the Common Core Learning Standards.
Participants will leave the session with a sketch of an outdoor classroom
tailored to their available environment and written ideas and suggestions for
activities, projects, and learning areas aligned to the Common Core Learning
Grant Cottage, New York StateHistoric Site, Generates a Module for the CCLS—Mary
Ratzer, Steve Trimm, Harriet Finch, Paige Jaeger. Building on a
reenactment of Ulysses S. Grant and his moral education regarding civil
rights, this workshop will enable participants to experience the dynamics of
building a Common Core learning experience via collaboration at the local
level. The ethical and moral nature of the reenactment, key primary documents,
and historical content will be modeled as the basis for essential questions.
The audience will brainstorm and generate essential questions for a similar
learning experience in other localities. The presenters will demonstrate the
rigorous use of primary documents, critical thinking, and student research.
Out Your InformationalText—Susan Bartle. This presentation will
teach participants how to use a new Web-based evaluation tool to evaluate and
identify how a piece of informational text/nonfiction will support the Common
Core Learning Standards. Participants will identify the deeper meaning of
informational text/nonfiction and gain insight into how the qualitative
measures, quantitative measures and considerations for reader and task
(Appendix A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards)
work together to establish the educational value of informational
text/nonfiction. Attendees will be able to use this tool in the library,
classroom, and cultural institutions while working with students, staff, and
Session 2 - 2 Presentations
P-12 Common CoreLearning Standards (CCLS) for English Language Arts &
Literacy: CurriculumModules & Resources for Implementation—Erik
Sweet, Amy Rudin. During this presentation, representatives from the New
York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of Curriculum & Instruction
will provide an overview of tools for implementing the Common Core Learning
Standards, including the NYSED Curriculum Modules. There will be time for
questions and discussion during the presentation.
Research withStructured Academic Competition: How the National History Day
Model BringsTogether Victor CentralSchool and Community Resources—Preston Pierce,
Ed.D., Darlene A. Cowles. Through a slide show and handouts, we will guide
professionals and volunteers from many community institutions in the design of
a unit. Materials actually produced by early secondary students will be
available for examination by participants. All of the presenters have
many years of experience in using the National History Day model and working
with local libraries, museums and archives in addition to in-school and on-line
Museums AreInterpreting the CCLS—Erika Sanger. During this
workshop, Erika Sanger will share the Albany Institute's on-site lesson
Art2Math and examples of lessons developing by participating New York State museums that integrate Common
Core Learning Standards, museum holdings, and Web-based distance learning
tools. All examples are drawn from a successful IMLS grant written in
partnership with the New York Institute of Technology. Participants will learn
new approaches to collaboration and using technology to achieve the CCLS.
Kits,Collaboration and the CCLS—Suzanne Kolodziej, Diane Pamel. This
presentation will describe the successful collaboration between the Southworth
Public Library in Dryden , New York , and the East Asia Program at Cornell University . This project connected the
novel, The Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson, read in the
Library’s Together Book Talk Program, with Cornell’s East Asia Program Chinese
Cultural Kits. The activities described addressed the Common Core in English
Language Arts, provided examples of the use of primary resources, and showed
the engagement of students using cultural resources.
Latino Cultureinto the Classroom—Juan Manzo (Resource
Guide). In this project, Mexican muralism is explored as a method of
representing community. With the use of masterworks, participants will learn
the importance of muralism in Mexico and its relationship to
Mexican history and culture. By learning how murals use symbolism, time and
movement, participants will be able to create mini-murals based on the three
elements and reflect on connections between Latin American culture and their
own experience.
for CollegeReadiness: Curriculum Reform as Opportunityfor Innovative
Partnership—Leanne Ellis, Curtis L. Kendrick (Student
Sample) (Logic
Model). Learn about “high school to college” transition issues from
City University of New York and New
York City school librarians who have created a
new community of practice model to address barriers to college success.
Panelists will discuss Common Core school reform and share viewpoints on
college readiness that have emerged from a pilot project that brought together
college and school librarians, professors, and teachers across three
disciplines for discussion, relationship building, and collaborative curricular
7.New York
State Science
Learning Standards and the CCLS for ELA and Mathematics—Will Jaacks. The
presentation will demonstrate how the current New York State Science Standards
are already consistent with the Common Core Learning Standards for Math and
ELA. Participants will work together to crosswalk the current Science Learning
Standards with the CCLS. This workshop will interest anyone involved with
science instruction in New York
State .
Session 3 - 3:15 Presentations
at the Core—Patricia Polan. The integration of technology is a key
design consideration in the Common Core. Learn more about the significant role
that technology plays in Common Core implementation, share strategies to
support a technology-rich instructional program based on the Common Core, and
learn how technology will shape the future of Common Core-based curricula and
as Historians:Using Historical Records to Implement the CCLS—Jessica
Maul (Handout). This
presentation will focus on the use of primary source documents and diverse
instructional strategies to deepen student understanding of historical content
and develop critical thinking skills. Using a selection of key documents
related to the American Revolution, slavery, the Civil War, and immigration,
participants will learn what makes a good teachable document, how to integrate
documents into classroom instruction and how to build a standards- and
document-based case study for classroom use. Participants will leave with
copies of documents and learning activities ready for classroom use.
Language Learnersand the Common Core—Arlen Siu Benjamin-Gomez (Chinese
Example) (NLAP
RI.2.4). This presentation will include an overview of the New York
State Bilingual Common Core Initiative, designed to make the Common Core
accessible to ELLs and other students developing new and/or home
4.A Writing-Based Approach to Understanding the CCLS—Peg
Peoples. This interactive workshop will engage participants in a
conversation around how writing can be used to support the implementation of
CCLS across the curriculum. Participants will experiment and explore a variety
of writing-based teaching practices (freewriting, dialectical notebooks, loop
writing, writing from images, etc.) to discover new ways to approach the
integration of the Common Core into their own classrooms and areas of
expertise. During this workshop, participants will be exposed to practices that
have already proven to be successful in classrooms of many levels and
disciplinary focuses.
the Common in CommonCore: Fostering Collaborative Relationships between
Teachers, Schools, andPublic Libraries—Christina Menetti, Joyce Laiosa. Increasing
numbers of teachers are looking for informational texts that support the Common
Core Learning Standards (CCLS). How can public librarians market services and
help teachers and students manage the instructional learning shifts? How
can public librarians prepare collections and services? How do they
connect the school day experience with the public library mission? To
help answer these questions, participants will evaluate text complexity
features using the EngageNY model of informational text. Then
participants will analyze passages from specific texts that would support a
CCLS lesson. This enhanced knowledge of the CCLS will assist participants in
understanding collection development, outreach, policy management, and program
development that play an important role in the implementation of the Common
Core Learning Standards.
World Religionswith Objects—Claudine Dixon, Sydney Greaves. Participants
will experience hands-on exploration of religious artifacts exactly the way
that students do with the graphic organizers, guided observation, short
response hand-outs, and informational text with text-based questions.
Participants will see that this method of teaching could be used to promote
inquiry, make connections, and engage students. Participants will see that
community connections could bring an approach to learning that might not be
ordinarily possible with limited school funding.
PrekindergartenFoundation for the Common Core—Meg McNiff . The
New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core provides a
framework for rigorous instruction within the five critical developmental
domains. Carefully developed early learning expectations linked to K-12
standards contribute to a more cohesive, unified approach to young
children's education. This interactive workshop will help participants
gain a better understanding of the Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common
Core, as well as explore ways in which they can support developmentally
appropriate learning experiences for students, teachers, and parents that are
aligned to these standards.
Session 4 - 4:30 Presentations
1.Research & the CCLS—David Abel. This
workshop will enable participants to understand how the CCLS demand a different
conception of research, with a shift to iterative inquiry from defense of a
static thesis. Participants will take a deep look at the writing
standards as they progress across the grades from K to 12, and they will learn
about the "sub-shifts" of the Writing from Sources Instructional
shift. They will also learn about resources to support implementation.
Students ThroughInquiry-Based Learning Using Primary Sources at Home and on the
Internet—Claire Enkosky. The presenters will share their
experiences from a recent Teaching with Primary Sources grant from the Library
of Congress and show the connections between local history resources and
national education resources online. This presentation will encourage attendees
to think about their own local history and show the important role historical
investigation plays in Social Studies and ELA classes that promote student
literacy. Handouts will be provided that will assist attendees in locating
local history on the Internet, include sample lesson frameworks focused in
different classrooms, and encourage exchange of ideas.
3.Plan Creative Curriculum & Address CCLS: Teaching
with Authentic Cultural Objects, an Indonesia Example—Melina Draper
Plan). Workshop participants will experience a Common Core
Standards-aligned ELA lesson and discuss how to use and modify the lesson for
their settings. During the lesson, participants will compare and contrast
American and Indonesian heroes, listen to a story from the Ramayana, view a
video clip of a shadow puppet performance of the Ramayana, and write creatively
in response to Indonesian cultural objects making use of the writing process
(generating ideas, drafting, sharing work, and revising). Participants will
leave with a better appreciation of how pairing cultural objects with texts
from other cultures can enrich the curriculum and address the learning
standards. They will also learn how to access and make use of Cornell's
Southeast Asia Program and other international program resources.
4.Transforming Lessons for the CCLS Classroom—Sandy
Goldberg. Join us as we explore media-rich resources that provide students
with the skills, content knowledge, and motivation to meet Common Core Learning
Standards across a range of subjects. This session will draw on the thousands
of free resources offered in VITAL NY (http://vitalny.pbslearningmedia.org),
now available on a brand new educational platform including video, interactive
presentations, games, and more. We will share examples of Common Core units
that incorporate VITAL resources and will also provide strategies and tools
that support instruction with classroom-ready digital media. This is a BYOD
(Bring Your Own Device) session: you're welcome to explore VITAL's Common Core
resources using your own laptop, iPad, or tablet.
Reading Materials:Yikes! Where Do I Find Those Resources—Marla Yudin,
Mary Tiedemann. Join us as we discuss the definition of complex reading
and explore the many resources your School Library System can offer as you
implement complex reading into your curriculum. This workshop will
explain what is meant by complex text, how to determine text complexity and how
to use the vast resources in NOVELny to find informational texts. Each
participant will leave with a folder all the materials used and extra copies
for duplication.
6.What to Do with Historic Documents: Using Primary
Sources to Teach Colonial History—Ann Pfau. This presentation will
focus on how to identify grade-appropriate historic documents, artifacts, and
images and ways to prepare them for use by elementary and middle school
teachers. It will start with a discussion of working with both teachers and
scholars (historians, archaeologists, and linguists) to develop online lessons
about colonial US
history. It will go on to demonstrate the use of model lessons, developed by
the New Netherland Institute and other cultural organizations that support the
Common Core Learning Standards.
Educators, Mathematics and the CommonCore: How Cultural Resources Can
Supportthe Instructional Shifts in the Mathematics Classroom— John
Svendsen, Susan Brockley. This presentation will focus on how to identify
grade-appropriate historic documents, artifacts, and images and ways to prepare
them for use by elementary and middle school teachers. It will start with a
discussion of working with both teachers and scholars (historians,
archaeologists, and linguists) to develop online lessons about colonial US history. It
will go on to demonstrate the use of model lessons, developed by the New
Netherland Institute and other cultural organizations that support the Common
Core Learning Standards.
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